my ambition and goals

 hallo guyss,actually i am very excited about this assignment,because i wanna share my goals in the future or spesifically in 3-4 years later.

so in 3-4 years later,my goals just very simple goals,i just wanna to be acceppteble in university that i want,and also i wanna to make a little bussiness about food and beverages,why?.yappp because i am very excited if i can make the bussiness,and also i really love food.noy just that,my goal would very much but in order to achive it i must be a really hard worker,and dont give up easily,dont thnik about other people opini that can be effected to my goals,and the important one is,just focus on the thing that you can control.dont be sad if i am didnt get it,cause in the future maybe achive it more.and maybe one of my big goals is to join or be accepteble to work or even just internship in pbb or unicef,because i extremely wanna it to become someone that can make the world is peace,no crisis economics,and also i wanna to alla the childern got their entitlement to study,eating good food and so many more.its very big goal,so i have to work really hard to achive it,but i believe i can handle and achive it with my effort.and also i belive its gone be payed off just in reallly good time and place.


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