

 hellow peppsss what's up,so here is my cv video,you can check it down bellow click the link what do you think?is it okay for me to apply for the position? dont forget to give an apreciation


 hello pepss,recently i had alot of schedule.i am really busy cause right now i just had to prepare for my last exam or the final exam.i really feels like a little bit nervous also panic at the same time.cause you know what i mean right?.recently or in a whole second semester i barely study like literally focused,i just did my homework and after it finished yup i juts got back for my phone.


  wadappp guys,how was you life going so well or it just same as usuall?.But anyways i am back after a very chaostic situation about my school,because this month is actually near to the final exam surely i always being hectic and also chaos.okey  let's move on to the picture.yappp you know before right that i had plan that want to take the bachelor deegree forward to the university in other country.i want to study aboard.yappp in that picture,there's a lot of university that i dream of being admited as a student in the this is my university dream list of mine: 1.OXFORD university 2.CAMBRIDGE university 3.MONASH university 4.MELBOURNE university of SYDNEY 6.DUKE university   7.NUS (national nuniversity of singapore) NTU (nanyang technological university) of TORONTO. hopes that ca be student in of the university dream list.hope your dream,wishes also comes true in the right situaation,in and also in the right  moment.dont f


 hello guyss,finally after a little bit of a hectic week especially school things that has so much works to do.finally i can write again about what inside my mind today i just wanna share my dreams that i really want to continue my school (university) that i really want to it.if you ask why are you want to continue your school going to overseas,why not just in indonesia.because it is one of my biggest dream that i really want to make it comes true.if you say that it really hard,yappp well i know and i guess many people talk about that but,i just think that why i have to be scared to dreaming,its okay if its even impossible but let you make your dream first,no matter how will the result come.i just think of that.i remeber that one of the ex boygroup in indonesia said on their song '' tak perlu tunggu hebat untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan''recently that lyrics is stuck on my head,and also i realize yappp that lyrics is correct that why are people be

A day in my life (tips being productive people)

 English task


 ''god gave us just two hands,not for make other people silence,but for cover our ears from a lot of  statement about us''. hellow peppps,well i currently back hehehehhe,although it just yesterday i just posted about people that just being confused because they just overthinking about a lot of statement that are maybe its unsure the reality.i never tired to speak up about this problem that are maybe thsi problem is one of them that can make our progress of life that want to achive our goals is being hinder.but i cannot judge people that cant handle this situation,i just can conviced to you guys that you just have to cover your ear,and just let the other's being a chatterbox without delivered  a masterpiece.i trust a statement that are most of the succes people is keep silence and just dont have to be a coins be just be a folding money that means you didnt have to said a lot about you are amaze or something like that.just act,work really hard on it,dont think